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Debtors and Creditors | Reports to Print
Question: Which reports should I print on Debtors and Creditors before month ends? Answer: Ensure that month end advice notes and age analysis reports have been run before the month end rollover. These balances cannot be printed after month-end as ...
Processing | Perform jump to code (aka Quick Sale)
Question: I find it tedious to tab through all the headers in the processing invoicing screen and it holds up the operators. Is there a way to jump directly to the code field in the Invoicing module? Answer: Yes, this functionality is available in ...
Year end procedures
Content courtesy of IQ Retail (Pty) Ltd Training department https://www.iqtraining.co.za/ General description This document explains the IQ Enterprise / IQ Business (IQE/IQB) Year End procedure. The Year End function in IQE / IQB has been removed. ...
Utilities | Module Parameters | Add Debtor notification
Debtors Notifications are used to alert or remind the user about special instructions or information about the specific debtor. Debtors Notifications are Debtor specific, in other words a debtor can only be linked to one notification. One Debtors ...
MICA Store | Quick how to guide
MICA Store | Quick how to guide MICA Store Quick how to guide Table of contents Overview How to add a new member Approving a transaction How to reverse a transaction How to add points on a Member account (Non-transactional) How to request a Campaign ...